Press Releases for achievement

  • 1043

    World Wide Pictures Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

    World Wide Pictures, an arm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, received the Redemptive Storyteller Award for Lifetime Achievement at the recently completed

    By : | 12-12-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 1043

  • 1114

    Unique Personal and Business Development Tools Help You Reach Goals Faster

    New value-priced training for fast business success has been introduced to answer the need expressed by busy entrepreneurs, managers and sales professionals.

    By : | 10-05-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1114

  • 827

    Script Doctor Linda Seger Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

    Internationally renowned script consultant, Dr. Linda Seger will receive the Redemptive Storyteller Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Fifth Annual Redemptive Film Festival (RFF), November 13 at 5:00 P.M., to be held at the Regent University, School of Communication main theatre.

    By : | 09-29-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 827

  • 1066

    Clarity Quest Marketing’s President Receives Professional Achievement Award

    Ann Arbor, MI—October 28, 2010 –Clarity Quest Marketing, a technology and healthcare marketing agency with offices in Michigan, Connecticut and Washington, announces its presiden with a Professional Achievement Award by Villanova University’s College of Engineering.

    By : | 10-31-2010 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 1066